Jonathan Hardesty: A Young Master

(drawings by Jonathan Hardesty in 2002)
Though I had forgotten, the story of Jonathan Hardesty was definitely one of the main things that has kept me (and undoubtedly many people online) drawing over the past few years.
In 2002 Jonathan Hardy started this thread at saying "I am starting from rock bottom and I am going to paint at least one painting and do at least one sketch every day...probably two on the weekends. The order you see them in is the order that I am painting and/or sketching them...every day starting on 9/15/02. I am bearing my soul to everyone. I will post everything I do...whether it is awful or not. Most of the paintings and sketches, in the beginning, are going to look like crap but hopefully over the days/weeks/months/years they will start to get better."
And indeed he did:

(drawings by Jonathan Hardesty in 2004)
These just after a few years. (and yes the one on the left is a drawing)
You can see how, through persistence and diligent courage, he got there in his thread
(which he still updates:)
Journey of an Absolute Rookie: Paintings and Sketches
He now teaches in Richardson, Tx
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